My Personal Goals – November Edition


Last month, I decided to write my monthly goals out since I had pretty much been all over the place. It was a way to hold myself accountable. 

Before I even add any November goals, let’s recap on how I did on my October goals. 

  1. Finish my estate plan. So close on this one, I still have to finalize the paperwork for the power of attorney and what to do with my social media accounts. Not bad in my opinion. The will was the most important document so that is finally in the can. Yeah! Grade – A – 
  2. Establish a workout routine – Yes, I decided to go back to the gym but only in the morning when there are fewer people working out. I also have started walking with a friend every Saturday morning which is about 6 miles from my apartment to Battery Park City. Admittedly, we do stop for brunch where I eat too much (but save half for dinner) and then walk back home.  Not bad but my workouts are not as intense as I would like nor consistent. Grade – B. 
  3. Eat healthier – Started Weight Watchers and definitely inconsistent in tracking my food that is for sure. I have lost 10 pounds since I started which I am happy but it should be more since I really do not stay on track on a daily basis and eat far more takeout than I should. Grade – C 
  4. List stuff on eBay/Poshmark to make some extra money in my pocket. This has been going well. So far I have sold over $600 worth of stuff. The more difficult part is the listing of things. This truly time consuming and frankly booooring. Grade – B
  5. Start cleaning out my stuff, closet by closet, and my storage unit. This is going somewhat okay but frankly I feel like I am moving stuff from the closet to another.  That said, I am making progress since I seem to be finding stuff to sell. For example, I found action figures from the 90’s and coats I do not wear. Some have sold so that is a good thing. 


November Goals

Continue with my October goals. The thing is not to make it too difficult and layer on things I will not be able to do. 

I am adding one thing to the mix. 

6. Starting a side hustle # 1. I have been thinking about this side hustle for 2 years and have made no progress other than thinking about it.  I am devoting November to at least researching what needs to be done and brainstorming ideas before I start moving forward. It’s my goal to have everything in place by mid-December.  Because yes, I have a side hustle #2 that I have been thinking about that needs to get moving. Both side hustles are meant to be passive streams of income so once they are done, I can sit back and wait for the money to roll in (kidding, I dont think I will make thousands every month but one never knows) The thing is to get them in the can and I can’t make anything if I do nothing. 

Do you have goals for November?